Wednesday 4 June 2014

An Introduction

Hello all! My name is Steph, and welcome to my blog!

I have always been interested in beauty, and I would always look up beauty blogs for reviews or info on new items! Recently I've been hooked on Asian beauty products, particularly Korean brands however some items I've bought and love have received little coverage online! I thought I'd create a blog and share my findings!

With that being said, I hope to share with everyone not just beauty but fashion, current favourites and everyday life!

To all future readers, hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here :)

p.s. I decided the blog name: date with steph, because I wanted my future readers and I to establish some sort of relationship, where it's like my posts are the information they'll get after going out to a lunch date with me or something, if that makes sense? and because my friend actually hashtagged #datewithsteph on instagram after taking a picture of her coffee on our quick lunch date. Please comment if you think I should change my blog name or if I should keep it, seeing as how I'm just starting my blog out :)

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